
how are you all Come on, everyone is fine. Today, I'm back with some new information for you. Friends, despite the amount of knowledge we have for managing our time, even with so many tips and tricks, we all have time anxiety and frustration. Even though there are so many time management tips in the internet, we still have anxiety which causes many problems in our life. This is because everything you know about time management is outdated now that new times have arrived. Nowadays, there are many technologies through which we can all have a good time, but we are not robots, we are all human beings, we have different reactions at different times. Every time we have different emotions, sometimes we are smiling, happy or sometimes sad. Our mind is happy, so how will we spend our time? In 1985, people thought that getting more done in less time was good time management. Later there is another new method and it can be seen that people divide into two parts which tree is important for us and which work is the most important for us and even though people divide into these two parts they are currently running according to this rule of time management. So currently we all do the work that is very important and urgent for us and we do not do the rest. But currently the management of this time according to time is not right. So there is a new method of calculating our time management by considering which of our daily tasks are more important and which need to be done sooner and what will help us later. So the work we do today is important and the little time we do, we will see what my today's plant will bring me tomorrow and what will benefit me tomorrow. That is, where you spend your time in the present saves you time in the future. If you spend time thinking about your future to save your future, it's the way you spend time, while you replenish time from life. We tell you how to get started. Many people know a lot about how to play time by watching videos on the internet and making a to-do list to create a routine in their life. makes You don't have to make any changes in your routine.The whole routine you follow is that you have to think about what work you need, what work you need to do as soon as possible, and what work will save me time in the future and benefit us in the future. You have to choose which tree you will do at what time. You write down everything else in your life like when you wake up when you eat and when you are ready. This is your first step and the second step is that you look at everything before going to bed at night and see where you have wasted your time which means time is money. wasted You eliminate five important time-wasting tasks from your life. yes, You consider what times of your day you've wasted, and you remove them from your life, and you consider how much time you've wasted in that way. You should not only keep these things in your head with a conscience, but with a pen and paper, you should write it down and think about what I did at what time and what important work I could have done in its place without wasting my time. And finally you will eliminate your time wasters and tasks from your routine and use that time to do something for the present for the future. Among those time-wasting activities, you can combine studying, family time, etc. Maintaining self-respect Friends Many of us may like to help people. But many times it is seen that if our people talk about any work then we do it easily and many times it is seen that we cannot say no to any work and always shyly say yes. So many people think that by doing this it is his honor or everyone likes him but actually it is not. It destroys your self-esteem and self-esteem. So from now on you have to change this habit if you want to be attracted then you should refrain from doing this and stop saying yes to everything people say. Then you can influence all people's attention towards you. Friends who make their own identity Many people like to introduce themselves And this fact is a very important fact. To make your own identity, you have to develop yourself as a hard worker, then everything will be possible. If you follow someone who is very famous, establish yourself by following not just one person but different people, then you will see everyone reflecting back at you and set niche goals. Build yourself as a successful person to introduce yourself. Some bonus information 3. Nosophobia, friends, this is a disease called a psychological disease in which the person thinks that some disease has occurred in the body. He always thinks when he will get some disease. There is a lot of worry about that. And he is always alert and sees a doctor from time to time. 4. Friends, psychology says that a woman has more listening ability than a man. I hear it more and more all the time. The absorption capacity of his brain is very high. Psychological tests have proven that all women hear a small sound. And you will notice sometimes that a child's call is first heard by its mother. Even if the woman is asleep, she hears her baby's voice first. Let me know how you feel. 5. Friends, you will notice one thing that sometimes you can't do small tasks that are easy and later you get angry and do it with all your strength. You can catch a plastic packet which is very easy to open but you are very angry when you can't open it, it is called a psychological fact. At this time, people often end up hurting themselves while doing it with strength. You will notice this matter sometime.

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