
Friends, today I will talk to you about how to make our handwriting beautiful, I will present you ten tips, definitely read this post carefully, then you can get the benefits of this in many ways. People will see even after much study. Can't make writing beautiful. I will give you 8 tips through which you can know how to make your handwriting beautiful. In the examination book you will see all your writings are correct but because of your hand writing you cannot get marks. You must read this blog today. Today you will know one thing which is handwriting. very beautiful Brain is very sharp and he is very cold tempered person. They are very wise people. So the reason for creating this blog for you today is because Rajni handwriting is very bad today I bring this blog for you no need to worry because today I bring this block for you so that you can improve your handwriting a little bit. So friends let's bring you some amazing information which will help you to know a lot. Today I will bring you 8 such information. Let's all read it. One thing you should always remember is how good or bad a student is judged by your handwriting. How many tips have you seen before to improve your handwriting? Or heard a lot, so today I will give you some information that will help you improve your handwriting. Today I will talk about how to make your money beautiful in some practical ways? We talked to many teachers and found out what their handwriting looks like. They like how the numbers are given in the exam book by writing beautifully? The same is true of teachers who are graded in a test book based on the quality of their handwriting on the first page of the book and whether it is neat or not. If you want to get good marks in the exam you must write the first page well then you can expect a good mark. When a teacher sees in his student's notebook that his handwriting is very bad, he will consider it as a not so good student as a friend, won't read your writing and will give you a low mark regardless. But when he sees your handwriting If the writing is very beautiful on the first page, then you will be thought of as a good student and you can get a good mark or you can come. Friends, now I have given you some exam marks to get some marks, let's give you 8 more tips to make you beautiful You can achieve success through handwriting. Of course reading this blockage carefully will do you some good. Without delay, let's give 8 tips. 1. The first tips is that you sit comfortably while writing or sit in a certain rule. Your sitting will determine how you write or whether your writing is beautiful. It depends entirely on how you sit. If you don't sit comfortably or follow a certain routine, your handwriting will look bad. Many will see the writing schedule as a bit of a no-brainer, starting with a complete mistake. If you know your sitting style, you can understand whether your writing will be beautiful or not. It completely depends on your sitting. When you sit comfortably and write in a straight place, then your handwriting will be very beautiful. You must tell us in the comments. Who will see the book bent a little or writing on the head table and then write? By doing that, you will see that the handwriting will be baked and the handwriting will be very ugly. Take time to relax or sit upright and try to write in a certain order, this will improve your handwriting. 2. The rule of holding a pen or pencil is that your handwriting is slightly crooked. You can see how you are holding your pen or pencil. Due to the fact that you are not holding the pencil properly or because you are not holding it in a certain way, your handwriting will be very bad. Many times it is seen that the pen or pencil is held very tightly during the ATM and the hand hurts and it is seen that the next page is the first to write it. Maybe many people get upset especially when the teachers see this kind of writing in their mental state. Expresses a lot of anger. Therefore, press the pen very lightly and write lightly in the notebook so that the writings are not visible on other pages. Your handwriting will also be very beautiful. 3. Many of you have heard or heard from gurus that if you want to do any work, you have to do it slowly. This is the reason why. Many times it is seen that many students are trying to write too quickly. And writing like this will finish his writing very easily. This is not correct. If you try to write your handwriting slowly, your handwriting will be much better. And write slowly when your handwriting is beautiful, then you will increase the size of your hand and you will see that your writing is beautiful. First of all you have to work, you will write slowly and write your handwriting. Try to write quickly. 4. Always write with your whole hand Friends, many times you start writing using only five fingers of your hand. This makes our finger muscles very sore and we cannot write for a long time. So one thing you must do is to use your whole hand while writing and move your whole hand while writing so that you can write beautifully and write for a long time. After doing this, let us know in the comment section. . Before I give you tip number 5, without saying a word, you will see that in one room many balls are scattered together and in another room many balls are stacked together. Which one would you rather have in a house where the balls are thrown than in a house where the balls are packed? You might say of course the room where the balls are stacked. Just like your handwriting. Everyone will say beautiful or like the writings where your handwriting is neatly written. So try to improve your handwriting from today. Maybe you will get a lot of compliments. And definitely try to make your handwriting look better and your handwriting will be clearer than before. The clearer you can write, the better off you will be. In order to make the handwriting of the night beautiful, you must write with gaps and give the gap in such a way that there is as much space between all the writings as you have given in the middle of each one, so your handwriting will look much cleaner and beautiful than before. Now your question is the gap while writing Kenta. Write fake. The reason is that many times it is seen that many people write without leaving gaps. And many seem to start writing with too many spaces. It turns out that the writing is not so nice and looks very bad. Your handwriting will improve if you write each letter with a little respect or specific spacing. 6. Write in a clean notebook everything is seen clearly in white water baba everything is seen clearly in clear water. Similarly, when you write in a clean notebook, you will see that your writing is very beautiful. If you write in a dirty notebook instead of a clean one, it will look bad even if your writing is correct. So always try to write with a clean hand, your handwriting will be beautiful, your morale will increase, you will be more interested in writing, you will try to write more and people's handwriting will be beautiful. And as the saying goes, if you can't do it once, try it a hundred times. Try to write a lot so that your handwriting is beautiful. 7. Hard work is the key to success Many times it is seen that many people do not write for a long time. It is seen that many people do not write. You will always be busy with this writing task so that your handwriting never gets bad. The more you work, the more success you will get. Not my words, many people must have heard it from the gossipers. To make your handwriting beautiful, you must always practice so that your handwriting is beautiful, work hard and you will surely enjoy success. Suppose you play cricket or football. For some reason you quit the game after a long time when you go to play one day you will see that you are not getting the game because you have not practiced the reason is that you have not been associated with that game for a long time so when you see that you are playing every day you have interest in the game and you can pay attention to the game the game will be beautiful. Similarly, if you practice your handwriting and try to write a certain girl, your writing will definitely be beautiful. Pen is one of the reasons for beautiful handwriting . Because if the quality of the pen is good, your handwriting will be beautiful. If you use a good pen then surely your handwriting will be beautiful because good pen or branded pen helps to make your handwriting beautiful. I first start writing with 1 specific preferred pen so that your handwriting is definitely beautiful. Friends, as of today, we have finished our topic here. One thing must be said before me. Choose the pen of your choice today. Try to write it in proper position and try to write with spaces while writing and know the correct rules of holding the pen and move your hands together while writing so that your handwriting is beautiful. Be sure to write in a clean notebook. When you write, write slowly, don't rush, because of writing slowly, your writing will be beautiful, later you will be able to write those texts quickly and you will have a lot of handwriting.

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